The Health Insurance

The task of the Health Insurance is to administer the Public Health Insurance Act.

Heilsutrygd administers and settles subsidies for most primary health services in the Faroe Islands, including GP appointments, medical assistance to specialists, subsidies for advice, supplements for treatment by a dentist, physiotherapist, psychologist, chiropractor, etc.

In cooperation with the National Pharmacy Authority, the Health Insurance also administers the system of medicine supplements.

Heilsutrygd administers the Municipal Medical System, Gigni and the Regional Health System, in addition to having supervised institutions that provide treatment for addiction.

The purpose of Heilsutrygd is to have a single coherent public health insurance, which ensures that all citizens are equal in terms of premiums and services.

Health insurance since 2010

Heilsutrygd was established on 1 January 2010. Heilsutrygd replaced the old health insurance system, which was organized with 11 health insurance funds around the country. The health insurance system is based on the health insurance system, and one of the main issues has been to maintain at least the same level of benefits and supplements as in the old system.